The Department of Allied 健康科学 is composed of faculty with expertise in bioethics, disease identification and diagnosis, disease surveillance, health disparities, 健康教育, medical humanities, and patient-provider communication.
除了教授人文和社会科学课程外,还教授学院所有学术课程不可或缺的课程, the Department offers Bachelor’s degree programs in 公共卫生, Clinical Lab 科学s and 健康科学. 它也是临床实验室科学、细胞技术和分子细胞学硕士学位课程的所在地.
Scholarly Activity Reports
2018 scholarly activity report
下面列出的活动是由联合健康科学部的成员进行的,活动时间从1月1日开始, 2018 - December 31, 2018.
* - ACPHS students denoted in 大胆的.
- Sun CC, Daniels MS, Bodurka DC, Nebgen D, Burton-Chase我, 陆KH, 彼得森SK. Women's preferences for cancer risk management strategies in Lynch syndrome. Gynecologic Oncology (全球十大赌博靠谱的平台).
- 亨尼希K, DeCoster B; 楚R,帕克WM; Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase我. (2018) Patients education health care providers on Lynch syndrome: A Qualitative Study. Patient Experience Journal, 第5(3)条.
- Burton-Chase我,帕克WM; Donato公里, 麦考密克年代, Gritz E, 阿莫斯CI, 陆KH, 林奇点, Rodriguez-Bigas MA, 你YN, 彼得森SK. 2018. 结直肠癌幸存者的健康相关生活质量:散发性和遗传性患者之间是否存在差异?” Journal of Patient Reported Outcomes, 2, 21.
- Denvir P, Cardone K, 帕克 W, Cerulli J. (2018). “How do I say that?”: Using communication principles to enhance medication therapy management instruction. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 10, 185-194.
- Williams L, Kehm R, Mueller B, McLaughlin C, Richardson M, Chow E, Spector L. The association between sex and most childhood cancers is not mediated by birthweight. Cancer Epidemiology 2018 Dec;57:7-12.
- 亨尼希K, DeCoster B; 楚R,帕克WM; Campo-Engelstein L, Burton-Chase我. 2018. Patients Educating Health Care Providers on Lynch Syndrome: A Qualitative Study. Patient Experience Journal, 第5(3)条.
- Campo-Engelstein L, Aziz R, Raffeale J, Darivemila S, Bhatni R, 帕克WM. 2018. Freezing Fertility or Freezing False Hope?: A Content Analysis of Social Egg-Freezing in the Popular Media. American Journal of Bioethics: Empirical Bioethics (全球十大赌博靠谱的平台).
- Burton-Chase我,帕克WM; Donato公里, 麦考密克年代, Gritz E, 阿莫斯CI, 陆KH, 林奇点, Rodriguez-Bigas MA, 你YN, 彼得森SK. 2018. 结直肠癌幸存者的健康相关生活质量:散发性和遗传性患者之间是否存在差异?” Journal of Patient Reported Outcomes, 2, 21.
Conferences and 演讲
- 亨尼希K, 大厅P, 摩尔K, Burton-Chase我. Advanced care planning in individuals with Lynch syndrome. Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC), 加州圣地亚哥, October 2018 (Poster Presentation).
- Burton-Chase我. Negotiation: Strategies and Best Practices. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), 西雅图佤邦, March 2018 (Symposium panelist).
- Burton-Chase我, Dubin R, Dubin D. The HEROIC registry: Opportunities for collaboration. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), 纽约, March 2018 (Poster Presentation).
- Burton-Chase我, Dubin R, Dubin D. The HEROIC registry: Opportunities for collaboration. Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer of the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists, 新奥尔良洛杉矶, March 2018 (Poster Presentation).
- 马特奥T, Burton-Chase我, 帕克WM. 筛查和监测的经验:来自Lynch综合征妇女混合方法研究的证据. 6th Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference, 奥尔巴尼纽约, January 2018 (Poster Presentation).
- Pettigrew S, Pan W, Berky A, Feingold B. 秘鲁亚马逊地区IMAS研究中的营养转变和总指甲硒(迁徙调查), 消费品展, y祝您健康). International Society for Environmental Epidemiology Annual Conference, 渥太华CA, 8月26 - 30日, 2018.
- Denvir P. 构建药物不依从:患者在深度药房咨询中平衡代理和责任的实践. 8th Annual Meeting of LANSI (Language and Social Interaction Working Group), October 2018.
- Niles K, Guiffre K, Varriele B, Denvir P. 综合用药回顾中的依从性咨询:药师-患者沟通的初步模式. American Society of Hospital Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim CA, December 2018. [student project]
- Niles K, Guiffre K, Varriele B, Denvir P. 综合用药回顾中的依从性谈话:药师与患者沟通的初步模式. 5th Annual ACPHS Student 研究 Symposium at 奥尔巴尼 College of Pharmacy & 健康科学, April 2018. [student project]
- 帕克WM. Social Determinants of Health. 奥尔巴尼 Medical College, Health Care and Society Course. 2018.
- Gawdat米,帕克WM; 约翰森一, 鲍迈斯特T卡东·克. 2018. Medicare part D coverage of phosphate binders. American Society of Health-System Pharmacy Midyear Clinical Meeting, Anaheim CA, December 2018.
- Karn, MM卡东·克, 帕克WM. Social Support and Medication Management in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, February 21-25, 2018.
- 马特奥T, Burton-Chase我, 帕克WM. 筛查和监测的经验:来自Lynch综合征妇女混合方法研究的证据. 6th Annual Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium Conference, 奥尔巴尼纽约, January 2018.
荣誉, Awards and 任命
- Partner, AliveAndKickn HEROIC Mosaic 研究 Community, 2018年至今
- Early Career Special Interest Group Chair, American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), 2018年至今
Colleen McLaughlin
Investigator: Colleen McLaughlin (PI)
Project: 公共卫生 Pharmacy Team
Grantor: Alliance for Better Health Innovation Fund 2018
Term: August 2018 - March 2019
Investigator: 史黛西小矮星 (PI) for Radix Center
Project: Innovation Blocks Pilot
Grantor: Alliance for Better Health Innovation Fund 2018
Term: July 2018 - June 2019